Thursday, February 14, 2008

A bit of a hiatus . . .

I haven't been posting lately for a couple of reasons. For one thing, I've been insanely busy! And for another, I feel like I want to write a post reflecting on the miscarriage, but it feels a bit overwhelming. Maybe I'll do it in bits. Or maybe I'll post on it next Thursday--that will be officially a month after the miscarriage, and all of my big "deadlines" for various things (work, opera, visiting with family) will be past.

My next cycle has started, which is good. But my post-peak phase was short, which is bad. I used to have short post-peak (luteal) phases, but the HCG injections at the end of my cycle extended that phase and increased my hormone levels. I'm trying not to be too disappointed by that--I was really hoping that my hormone levels would respond quickly to the surgery and correct themselves right away! But (a) that's probably not a realistic hope, and (b) even though I had a peak day after the miscarriage, who's to say that I actually ovulated or that that would be a normal cycle! It sounds like I'm going to be off the HCG and letrozole for at least one cycle here, so we'll see how my hormone levels look at the next blood draw!


Fat Girl said...

I hope your cycles do get "normal" and in a couple cycles you will be ready to go again. I know it is really hard after a m/c! And, for me, waiting until I finished that 2nd "normal" cycle to start ttc again was very difficult. However, it was nice to see my body start to do what it was supposed to do. I hope you can find some small comforts during this time. I'm praying for you.

LifeHopes said...

I have missed reading your posts - but totally understand that you need your time and space to heal right now.

a thorn in the pew said...

I too had a miscarriage in 9/07 and just passed my 40th birthday in January. We are back to charting, taking lots of natural supplements, eating much better and more prayer. I will keep you in my prayers. After two miscarriages, I can relate and Catholic women do have a unique journey with infertility. God bless!


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