Friday, December 14, 2007

And one more thing

Allyouwhohope asked about the hormone treatment I've had, and I talked about the continuing T3 and HCG treatment in the last post. But I realized that I didn't mention the new treatment! After a couple of cycles went by post-surgery with no sign of a baby, the doctor prescribed femara (letrozole), which stimulates ovulation. He prescribed femara, rather than clomid, because it has fewer side effects. The ultrasounds I had didn't indicate any ovulation problems, but this is intended to sort of help things along and to help regulate my hormones (which were messed up from the PCOS, but have been much better since the HCG injections). I only have to take a single dose on cycle day 3. From what I've read online, if it's going to work, it will work sooner rather than later. So, stay tuned . . .


Anonymous said...

Good luck and Merry Christmas!

Karey said...

I was hoping you could give me some advice for my surgery (laparatomy with Dr. Hilgers), which is this coming Tuesday (1/8). Is there anything I should be prepared for, or anything I'll need that you didn't know ahead of time? Any advice would help! I'm nervous so I want to be prepared.

andnotbysight said...

Of course! I'm going out (to walk Wonderdog) and will think about any advice I can give. Also, if you want, send me an email (nondavista at yahoo dot com) and we can talk that way!


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